NACCE & ELI Partner to Offer Entrepreneurial Mindset Training

NACCE Press Releases,

Springfield, MA [June 26, 2017] – NACCE announces a partnership with the Entrepreneurial Learning Initiative (ELI) to provide a public Entrepreneurial Mindset Certification Training focused on igniting an entrepreneurial mindset and cultivating an entrepreneurial culture within classrooms, organizations, and communities around the world.

“An entrepreneurial mindset advances leader effectiveness, student success, and workforce development outcomes,” stated Dr. Rebecca Corbin. “NACCE is proud to partner with ELI to help spread the entrepreneurial mindset to our innovative group of 300+ community college members.”

The training will kick off with a keynote from Gary Schoeniger, author and internationally recognized thought leader in the field of entrepreneurship education. Schoeniger is the founder of the Entrepreneurial Learning Initiative (ELI) and co-author of Who Owns the Ice House? Eight Life Lessons from an Unlikely Entrepreneur, a powerful and compelling story that captures the essence of an entrepreneurial mindset and the unlimited opportunities it can provide.

“The power of entrepreneurial thinking reaches far beyond traditional business creation,” Schoeniger said. “An entrepreneurial mindset shifts every day thinking into a new framework, empowering people to identify problems and deploy solutions using creative and critical thinking, effective problem solving, communication, and teamwork. From preparing students to become workforce-ready graduates or next-generation innovators to elevating the entrepreneurial thinking of the existing workforce, an entrepreneurial mindset exposes opportunity, ignites ambition, and fosters innovation.”

The two and a half-day Entrepreneurial Mindset Certification Training will follow the keynote. In addition to receiving entrepreneurial mindset professional development, successful completion of the training certifies participants to facilitate the Ice House Entrepreneurship Programs within their classroom, organization, or community. The training is designed to equip facilitators with the necessary tools and techniques to effectively implement the Ice House Programs which target student success, leadership and workforce development, and small business.

Ice House Programs are experiential, problem-based learning programs designed to inspire and engage participants in the fundamental aspects of an entrepreneurial mindset. With an experiential problem-based learning method, facilitators do not need to be subject matter experts in the field of entrepreneurship. Rather than providing specific directives, the facilitator encourages students to solve identified problems, find and apply new knowledge, take action and cope with uncertainty and challenges that they confront.

This event is organized by the Entrepreneurial Learning Initiative and hosted by NACCE & Hillsborough Community College. Registration is open to all sectors including public, private, and non-profit.

Event Details & Registration

The training will be held on October 6 – 8, 2017 at Entrepreneur Collaborative Center, 2101 E. Palm. Avenue, Tampa, Florida 33605. The training is $1,495 (plus registration fees). NACCE Members receive a $175 membership discount. Please email for the discount code.

For more details and to register for the Entrepreneurial Mindset Certification Training, please visit this link: https://e

About the Entrepreneurial Learning Initiative

The Entrepreneurial Learning Initiative (ELI) is a global thought leader dedicated to expanding human potential through entrepreneurial mindset education. ELI serves academic institutions, government agencies, profit, and non-profit organizations around the world to empower their constituents with an entrepreneurial mindset through professional development training, facilitator certification, and curriculum content. ELI is the creator of the Ice House Entrepreneurship Programs. Learn more at


NACCE is a member organization of over 300 community colleges representing nearly 2,000 staff. Presidents, educators, administrators and center directors are focused on igniting entrepreneurship in their community and on their campus. NACCE has two main goals:

1. Empower the college to approach the business of leading a community college with an entrepreneurial mindset; and

2. Grow the community college’s role in supporting job creation and entrepreneurs in their local ecosystem.

Learn more at


Hillsborough Community College (HCC) is a two-year community college, located in Hillsborough County, Florida. With more than 43,000 students, the college has five campuses located throughout the county.