Spreading the Word on Campus about Your E-ship Efforts

Posted By: Carol Savage NACCE Blog,

Improving your ability to communicate about your on-campus entrepreneurship efforts is easier than you think and you can start right now. Many times, students and faculty are overwhelmed with activities and events on campus and may “tune-out” to communication strategies that aren’t targeted directly to them. To increase awareness about your e-ship events and activities, try these tips for getting your message out across the entire campus:

-Communicate across multiple channels

People process information differently. Some respond to an email blast while others may need a text message, phone call, or social media reminder. The more channels you employ to communicate, the more people you’ll reach.

-Make your message concise.

Keep it simple and short. People don’t have the time or inclination to read or process large chunks of text, nor do they want to read an essay in your text message.

-Make your message consistent.

Messages should be standardized. Distribute a written message instead of relying on word-of-mouth communication, or if you’re promoting a special event and want to increase attendance, use a short message service (SMS) – a text service component of most telephone, internet, and mobile device systems - with a scripted message. This will assure recipients receive uniform and consistent information.

-Communicate regularly.

Develop a communications calendar. When you hold events to engage students, schedule automated or manual phone calls beforehand or email messages with the time and location of your event. When people get in the habit of hearing from you, they’ll know where to turn for the latest updates. Newsletters and e-news are also effective vehicles for regular communications.

-Ask for and respond to feedback.

Ask students and faculty what works – and doesn’t – with your communications strategy. Do this through face-to-face meetings, web surveys, online profiles, or in-person interviews. Research has shown that two-way communications is the best approach to keeping lines of communications open.

-Use your college’s social media platforms.

Post events and activities on your college’s or department’s website, news listings, calendars, and event listings. Also use Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to alert others about what you’re doing on campus.

-Make sure students and faculty know where to turn for more information.

If they have questions, need clarifications, or want to confirm their attendance at an event, provide a clear point of contact for them to call, email, or text.

-Coordinate your messaging from a single sender.

It may be helpful for all your campus communications to originate from a single sender. If you’re sending emails, make sure recipients add your address to their accounts’ “safe senders” lists. Include contact information at the end of each message, making it easier for people to reach you.

Implementing one or all of these tips will improve your campus communications. When everyone feels they’re informed, they’re more likely to stay involved.

Coming Soon!

Part II: Communicating Your E-ship Efforts Beyond Campus