Breakout Sessions 8


Room: Diamond Cove

Level: Intermediate

Track: Entrepreneurship 101 Track

Our focus is on the INTEGRATION of entrepreneurial skills, business development information and technical assistance to Makerspace students in business development to produce completions and earnings.

Learning Objectives:

  • Gather and develop resources on how to INTEGRATE business skills into learning outcomes and Makerspace projects.
  • Faculty have project ideas, samples and materials to understand and practice Entrepreneurship in the Makerspace learning environment.
  • Data on “employment” and “wages” are not available for the entrepreneur/self employed. Other hand-gathered metrics will be collected to identify successful strategies..

JIM CORDEIRO, Makerspace Director, College of Marin, CA


Room: Emerald Cove

Level: Intermediate

Track: Entrepreneurship 101 Track

The Business Model Canvas (BMC) is a tool widely used to assist entrepreneurs in developing their business concepts.  See how, when viewed through an indigenous lens, the BMC can connect on a more meaningful and relevant level with aspiring entrepreneurs in the classroom and beyond.

Learning Objectives:

  • Define Cultural Entrepreneurship.
  • Learn how the Business Model Canvas can be adapted when using an Indigenous lens
  • Create activities that engage entrepreneurial students.

DIRK SOMA, Assistant Professor, Business Program Coordinator, Kauai Community College, HI


Room:  Crystal Cove

Level: Intermediate

Track: Workforce & Continuing Education Track

The U.S. lacks skilled and educated workers to keep up with the rapid growth of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) enterprises (American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2001). Underrepresented minorities, even though a growing segment of the U.S. workforce, are largely underrepresented in STEM careers due to limited access to education that keeps them from entrepreneurship and technology fields once they enter them. As a Hispanic Serving Institution, Estrella Mountain Community College (EMCC) attempts to offset these trends by fostering an entrepreneurial mindset through a multipronged approach of partnerships with Arizona State University, the Center for Entrepreneurial Innovation, and the Small Business Development Center; and offering Small Business Management Certificates and an Entrepreneur/DECA Club.

This presentation focuses on this multipronged programming and effective practices learned through this collaboration the past three years designed to serve community college students by creating and fostering an entrepreneurial mindset.   Entrepreneurial mindset “is the attitudes, skills and behaviors that students need to succeed [including] initiative, risk-taking, flexibility, adaptability, creativity, innovation, critical thinking and problem solving” (  Students and program leadership will focus on how this curriculum and programming prepares students with 21st century skills and leads to co-curricular learning opportunities designed for student success.  Conference attendees will be invited to participate in an active learning activity focused on entrepreneurial mindset to better understand the approach of this collaborative programming and consider how they can integrate these activities on their campuses.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn about multipronged, interdisciplinary and cross-institutional programming designed to serve community college students by creating and fostering an entrepreneurial mindset where they can learn 21st century skills in preparation for the 21st century workforce.
  • Participate in an active learning activity, where small groups are asked to describe what entrepreneurial best practices they use to instill an entrepreneurial ecosystem into their colleges and write them on a whiteboard/flip chart to share and discuss.
  • Reflect upon the findings of the active learning activity, and how they can incorporate strategies to foster an entrepreneurial mindset at their individual colleges.

ELIZABETH (LIZ) CANTU, Communication Faculty, Estrella Mountain Community College, AZ

SYLVIA ONG, Business Institute Program Director/Business Faculty, Estrella Mountain Community College, AZ

DANIEL "MIKE" PINEDA, Business Faculty, Estrella Mountain Community College, AZ

RONNIE RUIZ, Student, Estrella Mountain Community College, AZ

RYAN MUNIZ, Student, Estrella Mountain Community College, AZ


Room:  Copper Cove

Level: Beginner

Track: Workforce & Continuing Education Track

Advanced manufacturing is a critical sector of the national economy that is currently experiencing a deficit of workers to fill high-paying, highly technical jobs. There is increasing demand for a workforce with the technical, analytical, and 21st Century soft skills required to fuel the research, development, and production of next-generation products and services. In collaboration with industry and secondary education partners, Lorain County Community College and NextFlex are leading a regional effort to implement an innovative approach to local talent creation and diversification.

Through the implementation of a STEM-based education and outreach program, FlexFactor, as the recruitment component in the creation of a comprehensive advanced manufacturing talent framework that links students from middle school and high school students with Learn and Earn post-secondary programs to attract students into the technology sector. This ecosystem-wide approach engages a variety of public-private stakeholders in the creation of the next generation workforce, attracting and preparing the diverse future talent who will lead and innovate in across STEM fields

Learning Objectives:

  • Attendees will have a better understanding of NextFlex and the Manufacturing USA network.
  • Understand how education is engaging industry to drive career exploration, post-secondary enrollment, and create a talent pipeline.
  • Review a case study of LCCC's innovative approach to attracting, recruiting, training, and connecting talent with industry.

DEANNA HERSKO, Coordinator for College Tech Prep & FlexFactor, Lorain County Community College, OH

MATTHEW POYLE, Lorain County Community College, OH

EMILY MCGRATH, Deputy Director of Workforce Development, NextFlex, CA

CLARENCE CHI, National Program Manager, NextFlex, CA


Room:  Coral Cove

Level: Intermediate

Track: Workforce & Continuing Education Track

Analyzing the demographics within your entrepreneurial ecosystems allows you to prioritize the implementation of entrepreneurial initiatives that will have a direct impact to your communities. Join us to understand how we analyze our diverse demographics, see examples of various entrepreneurial initiatives HCC implements, and how it uses targeted marketing and data gathering to analyze overall impact.

Learning Objectives:

  • Description of diverse demographics in Houston and how it affects the entrepreneurial ecosystem.
  • Learn targeted marketing techniques used at HCC to capture your audience.
  • Examples of entrepreneurial initiatives according to demographics & trends.

BRENDA RIOS BROMBACHER, Director, Entrepreneurial Initiatives & Community Relations, Houston Community College, TX

NED MUELLER, Entrepreneur in Residence, Houston Community College, TX

GERMAINE WASHINGTON, Manager, Houston Community College, TX


Room: Sapphire Cove

Level:  Beginner

Track: Academic Programs Track

This session will cover how to be more effective with your students by using a structured, proven methodology and LivePlan, the leading strategic planning and forecasting platform. Claudette Shatto will share how she has successfully incorporated LivePlan to enhance and streamline her entrepreneurship offerings at Napa Valley College, highlighting specific student success stories. Learn from the LivePlan team how to teach students the perfect blend of traditional business planning and lean startup methodology. Help your students create cash flow projections to determine the financial viability of their venture. Learn how to incorporate a modern toolset across multiple programs to accelerate learning and promote collaboration.

Learning Objectives:

  • Teach lean business planning principles.
  • Understand how to use a cutting edge cloud-based tool for collaboration and education.
  • Take away syllabus, powerpoint slides, class notes and more for workshops and classes.

JOSH FEGLES, Academic and Government Channel Partnerships, Palo Alto Software, maker of LivePlan, OR

CLAUDETTE SHATTO, Program Coordinator & Instructor, Napa Valley College, CA


Room: Mariner Cove

Level:  Intermediate

Track: Academic Programs Track

The nature of global business has shifted dramatically over the last several years creating more and better access for entrepreneurs to launch a global business from the outset. E-commerce is the key vehicle for emerging entrepreneurs to enter global markets, and community colleges can set themselves apart by providing training in the international market. Find out how re-framing existing programs or augmenting current content with of-the-moment skills will better position entrepreneurs and business owners to succeed in gaining real market share with a foreign customer base.

Learning Objectives:

  • Discover why global markets and looking beyond the community is so critical to preparing entrepreneurs for success
  • Learn the key competencies to include in your curriculum or center programming
  • Find out about experiential learning opportunities geared to global trade and e-commerce (like internship programs & pitch competitions).

LEAH GOOLD-HAWS, CA Centers for International Trade Development (CA)

DR. CHRISTINE PIGSLEY, Minnesota State University Mankato (MN)