Photo of Ted Dintersmith

Ted Dintersmith

Author of "What Schools Could Be"

Professional Bio

I have an unusual vantage point on the future of our children and our nation. I spent my career in the world of innovation, and my track record there suggests I might know a bit about it. And over the past decade, I’ve immersed myself in the world of education. I don’t claim to have the expertise our classroom teachers have, and I respect their insights — celebrate them, actually. But I have some insights into the world our children will live in as adults, and the ways this world ought to affect the way we educate children. I fight every day to do what I can to help give children the kind of education that will prepare them for their futures, and let them lead lives of purpose. Make no mistake, the challenges are serious. But so are the opportunities.

During the 2015-2016 school year, I went to all fifty states, visiting some 200 schools. I was stunned by the innovative classrooms and schools I found across the country. My new book, titled "What School Could Be: Insights and Inspiration from Teachers Across America", brings these stories to readers. I highlight the common elements of the powerful learning experiences I observed, and the ways leaders can change schools at scale by putting in place the conditions that let teachers and students thrive. You can order the book here:

I organized and funded "Most Likely to Succeed", a feature-length documentary on education that was directed by the remarkable Greg Whiteley. The film has been an official selection of thirty major film festivals, including Sundance. To date, more than 7,000 communities in some 35 countries around the globe have screened the film, using it as a powerful resource to spark discussion and inspire change. Here’s how you or your school can view it:

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