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Fostering Entrepreneurial Thinking: Stories and Strategies from National Center of Engagement

Come hear from individuals representing

Tuesday, February 18, 2025
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM (EST)

Join Us Virtually

Event Details

How might you engage students, employees and community members in experiences leading to
more entrepreneurial thinking and behaviors? Come hear from individuals representing
NACCE’s National Center of Engagement: Arts, Creativity and Entrepreneurship from the
Maricopa County Community College District. This webinar is designed to share stories and
tools that can be replicated by other colleges’ leaders (across roles and disciplines) who are
designing and facilitating entrepreneurial learning and change. Highlighted programming
includes makerspaces, affinity groups and a futures community of practice.

For More Information:

Lydia Perez-Kavanagh
Lydia Perez-Kavanagh
Project Coordinator Everyday Entrepreneur & Veterans... NACCE (309)368-4325


●Dr. Amy Diaz, President GateWay Community College and NACCE Board Member

● Dr. Steven Crawford, District Direct, Maricopa Center for Learning and Innovation (MCLI)

● Dr. Bruce Balfour, Executive Direct, Phoenix Forge Makerspace

● Mr. Ben Bednarz, Assistant Director, Phoenix Forge Makerspace

● Ms Kate Mohler, Residential English Faculty and President of Ability Maricopa, Maricopa
Community Colleges

● Dr. Caron Sada, Division Chair and Innovation and Entrepreneurship Programming
(MCLI), Maricopa Community Colleges