NACCE News + NACCE leaders and guests share their thoughts on timely topics related to entrepreneurship and the impact on community college ecosystems.

NACCE Blog Publicity Publicity : NACCE Press Releases Veteran Entrepreneurship

By Bree Langemo J.D. (excerpted from NACCE’s new book, Community Colleges as Incubators of Innovation: Unleashing Entrepreneurial...

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By Andy Gold, Ph.D. and Mary Beth Kerly, MBA (excerpted from NACCE’s new book, Community Colleges as Incubators of Innovation: Unleashing...

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By Eugene Giovannini, Ed.D. (excerpted from NACCE’s new book, Community Colleges as Incubators of Innovation: Unleashing Entrepreneurial...

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By Rebecca Corbin, Ed.D. & Ron Thomas, Ph.D. (excerpted from NACCE’s new book, Community Colleges as Incubators of Innovation:...

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Several years ago, NACCE implemented the President’s for Entrepreneurship Pledge (PFEP) as a way of igniting positive change across campus...

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NACCE joined the West Virginia Community and Technical College System and the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission in observing Higher...

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NACCE is fortunate to have Indiana University Center for International Business and Research (IU CIBER) as a supporter. We have partnered with them...

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We hope that the start of your new semester is going smoothly. We encourage you to maximize your NACCE membership by participating in one of the...

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National Entrepreneurship Week - February 16-23, 2019 #NatlEshipWeek Are you participating in National Entrepreneurship Week (NEW)? Founded...

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Join us in Irvine, CA from April 24-26, 2019 for make/SHIFT, the Makerspace Ecosystem Summit! This event is hosted by California Community Colleges...

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Happy New Year, NACCE Members! We hope that your holidays were filled with lots of rest, relaxation and perhaps a bit of goal-setting for the New...

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"Educational and community challenges are becoming more complex. With these complexities, it's clear that no one organization can solve particular...

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