Newly Released | Impact ED
How Community College Entrepreneurship Creates Equity and Prosperity
NACCE is thrilled to announce the launch of our latest publication,
Impact ED: How Community College Entrepreneurship Creates Equity and Prosperity,
available for order today!
"Two key takeaways of this book are the importance of education to upward social mobility and that entrepreneurship, especially on the small business level, drives economic mobility. The authors make the case that higher education is the resource for such education and instilling an entrepreneurial spirit in college students. They posit that community colleges are best positioned in terms of share numbers of them, geographic availability, and affordability, to meet this educational need. I am semi-retired now and have four graduate degrees. Having read this book I am thinking of exploring local community colleges to get some of that entrepreneurial spirit and know-how. Get your copy today." - Joseph F. Duffy, author of Being a Supervisor 1.0
Authors Andy Gold, Rebecca Corbin, and Beth Kerly |
The Roadmap — Data-Driven and Shovel-Ready Projects This book is our roadmap for building a more inclusive and equitable economy for a future that is unknown. In each chapter we share case examples, highlight relevant data and research, and explain how a national network of centers of practices led by community college faculty and administrators are making a measurable impact on societal challenges today. At the end of each chapter, we provide examples of shovel-ready opportunities for individuals and organizations to join us to scale impact, taking a local or regional initiative and expanding its effect by inviting other communities throughout the country to follow suit. The roadmap is inclusive and invites everyone to take action to rebuild the economy and create an equitable and inclusive future for all. |
Praise for Impact ED
“If we want to have a more just and equitable economy, we have to empower more Americans not just to get a job, but to create jobs. The authors of Impact ED have developed a clear and compelling roadmap to bring entrepreneurship to communities across the country.”
– Thomas Kalil, Chief Innovation Officer, Schmidt Futures
“During a time that has been overshadowed with anxiety and uncertainty, Impact ED offers a blue print on how to move forward effectively in an ever changing society. This book can be viewed as a roadmap for those who understand the pivotal role education has and will always play in a civilized culture. The authors of this work have offered incredible insight which encourages readers to embrace “limited-less possibilities” before them."
– Donald D. Moore, M.Div.; Ed.D.
Pastor Mount Carmel Baptist Church Philadelphia, PA
"Impactful, and empathetic education is more critical today than in recent memory. The dynamic nature of
education and society needs a compass to guide us toward a future that is unknown. This book provides rich direction on how entrepreneurship instruction provides a bridge between education today and the workforce skills of tomorrow.”
– Governor Jeb Bush, Florida (1999-2007)
"This book offers a roadmap that provides hope to those of us in the trenches and a renewed understanding of the power of community colleges and HBCUs."
– Caroline E.W. Glackin, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship,
Fayetteville State University
“Intuit has a culture of empathy and sharing that is reflected in design thinking, which is core to our business, and this amazing new book reveals a clear roadmap for leveling the playing field of opportunity through authentic partnerships, which is what Intuit Education strives to accomplish each day.”
– David Zasada, Vice President, Education and Corporate Responsibility, Intuit
“Impact ED offers an innovative and inclusive perspective on how to rebuild the economy by leveraging an entrepreneurial mindset, teaching, and practice. This trio of authors bring extraordinary experience and passion to this work and invite you into their world where every student has an opportunity, everyone is supported and valued, and there are no limits.”
– Doan Winkel, Ph.D., John J. Kahl, Sr. Chair in Entrepreneurship at John Carroll University
“This publication not only captures the stories of entrepreneurs who benefited by the visionary work of community colleges, it captures the spirit and dedicated actions of those community college leaders who piloted and scaled this work on their campuses. As the country recovers, small business development, and the entrepreneurial mindset will be essential to accelerate upskilling and reskilling America’s talent. This is a must-read.”
– Jen Worth, Senior Vice President for Workforce and Economic Development,
American Association of Community Colleges (AACC)
“The pandemic and economic recession have given leaders a great opportunity to work collectively to reimagine the delivery of higher education and workforce training. Community colleges are uniquely positioned to be the catalysts for this transformation, if they embrace an entrepreneurial mindset. This book provides a roadmap to that destination.”
– J. Noah Brown, President & CEO, Association for Community College Trustees (ACCT)
This publication is part of a series – visit for more information.